OOTD: Black and camel
As promissed few days ago, new look with my Matalan shoes and also my favourite camel coat. In advance I apologise for my stupid faces I've been making during photo shoot, but I am not used to have them taken :-) lol
Nowa stylizacja z wykorzystaniem butow, o ktorych pisalam w zalaczonym poscie http://www.followupmyvogue.blogspot.com/2011/12/alexander-wang-shoes.html
H&M, coat £17,50
Red Herring, black blouse £7
H&M, black jeans £14.99
TK Maxx/Mark B., bag £19.99
Matalan, shoes £9
River Island, belt (taken from a skirt)
Primark, necklase £2
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
New Year's knockout!
At this time tomorrow is going to be a time where all bad things which happened in 2011 won't matter anymore. With positive attitude and resolutions we've taken, 2012 will be even better for all of us. For me, my family and friends hopefully too. I have to admit, it's been very challenging year for me, specially at work. New projects, new people and more responsibilites. But this year was also very special because I have finally decided to start blogging!
Having said that, I wish you all a Happy New Year and see you in 2012!!
All from River Island: black body, skirt, black shoes |
Szczesliwego Nowego Roku!!
Jutro o tej samej porze wszystkie zle rzeczy, ktore przytrafily sie nam w 2011 juz nie beda mialy wiekszego znaczenia. Z pozytywnym nastawieniem i postanowieniami noworocznymi, 2012 bedzie o niebo wspanialszym rokiem dla wszystkich z nas. Dla mnie, mojej rodziny i przyjaciol. Musze Wam sie przyznac, ze mijajacy rok byl dla mnie bardzo ambitny, stawiajacy co rusz nowe wymagania, szczegolnie w pracy. Nowe projekty, nowi ludzi i nowe obowiazki. Ale takze bardzo specjalny dla mnie, poniewaz w koncu zdecydowalam sie zalozyc swoj wlasny blog!
Wszystkiego najlepszego na Nowy Rok i do zobaczenia w 2012!!
New in my closet: Shoes
Everytime I go to shop I always end up buying shoes. I don't know what's wrong with me but I cannot buy anythnig else than shoes...I am a 'shoeaholic' honestly saying and I have never enough shoes. Do you have the same? Do you buy shoes all the time like Carrie Bradshaw in 'Sex and the City'?
As they say, shoes are really important in the look as they may change our outfit completly, so I will stick to that thought and buy more shoes :-)
Czasami zastanawiam sie dlaczego tak sie dzieje, ze za kazdym razem kiedy ide na zakupy koncze z para butow w torbie?! Nastawiam sie na zakup calkiem innych rzeczy, ale zawsze mozna mnie znalezc w dziale z butami. To sie nazywa uzaleznienie prawda!
Uwielbiam buty i tak jak Carrie Bradshaw z 'Seks w wielkim miescie' kupuje buty. Oczywiscie nie sa to buty Manolo Blahnik - choc bardzo bym chciala, tylko takie ktore wedlug mnie beda pasowaly do ciuchow, ktore mam w szafie. Czy zgadzacie sie z powiedzeniem, ze buty mowia duzo o czlowieku?
PS. Wybaczcie za brak moich osobistych zdjec tylko takie z 'www,' ale mam chwilowo problem z aparatem i jak tylko uda mi sie go naprawic, zalacze kilka OOTD.
PS. Apologise for uploading only pictures from Google, but currently my camera is broken and needs some repair. I will post my OOTD as soon as it possible.
Thank you for reading and wait for next post!
Everytime I go to shop I always end up buying shoes. I don't know what's wrong with me but I cannot buy anythnig else than shoes...I am a 'shoeaholic' honestly saying and I have never enough shoes. Do you have the same? Do you buy shoes all the time like Carrie Bradshaw in 'Sex and the City'?
As they say, shoes are really important in the look as they may change our outfit completly, so I will stick to that thought and buy more shoes :-)
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Matalan snake skin shoes, was £16 now £5 http://www.matalan.co.uk/ |
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River Island, was £40 now £20 http://www.riverisland.com/Online/ |
Uwielbiam buty i tak jak Carrie Bradshaw z 'Seks w wielkim miescie' kupuje buty. Oczywiscie nie sa to buty Manolo Blahnik - choc bardzo bym chciala, tylko takie ktore wedlug mnie beda pasowaly do ciuchow, ktore mam w szafie. Czy zgadzacie sie z powiedzeniem, ze buty mowia duzo o czlowieku?
PS. Wybaczcie za brak moich osobistych zdjec tylko takie z 'www,' ale mam chwilowo problem z aparatem i jak tylko uda mi sie go naprawic, zalacze kilka OOTD.
PS. Apologise for uploading only pictures from Google, but currently my camera is broken and needs some repair. I will post my OOTD as soon as it possible.
Thank you for reading and wait for next post!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Leopard jeans - a winter must have
If you follow the trends you should know that the winter must have at the moment are leopard jeans!! You can see them in many mags and shops on the high street.
Leopard print is one of the things which people do like or don't like. It can be tricky too! Avoid dressing up from top to bottom wearing only leopard print clothes, it will look ridiculous. Tone them down for daytime look with an oversize t-shirt, jacket or jumper to get more wear out of them. Copy the celebrities if you like!
Personally, it is my favourite pattern and I'll definitely get one pair of these jeans :-) I saw them in Topshop and New Look already, so I should go for shopping tomorrow!
If you follow the trends you should know that the winter must have at the moment are leopard jeans!! You can see them in many mags and shops on the high street.
Leopard print is one of the things which people do like or don't like. It can be tricky too! Avoid dressing up from top to bottom wearing only leopard print clothes, it will look ridiculous. Tone them down for daytime look with an oversize t-shirt, jacket or jumper to get more wear out of them. Copy the celebrities if you like!
Personally, it is my favourite pattern and I'll definitely get one pair of these jeans :-) I saw them in Topshop and New Look already, so I should go for shopping tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Alexander Wang shoes...and the copy from Matalan!!
Widzialam te buty jakis czas temu w jednej ze stylizacji Andy Torres na stylescrapbook.com http://www.stylescrapbook.com/2011/09/look-of-day-new-plans.html#more i przyznam szczerze ze nie bardzo przypadly mi do gustu. Stwierdzilam ze te buty musza byc bardzo niewygodne bo wygladaja jakby zrobione z filcu - o ile wlasnie nie sa wykonane z filcu :-) Nie moglam jednak przestac o nich myslec i zdecydowalam ze jak tylko uda mi sie kupic buty bardzo podobne do tych oryginalnych, kupie je i wlacze do mojej kolekcji.
Jak tylko wypatrzylam te cudenka w Matalanie oczywiscie nie omieszkalam ich przymierzyc. Na moje szczescie mylilam sie i okazalo sie ze sa calkiem wygodne i cudownie leza na nodze. Poza tym, ku mojemu zaskoczeniu byly na wyprzedazy!! Wyobrazcie sobie jaka bylam szczesliwa.
Czy wy rowniez uwazacie ze sa podobne do oryginalnej wersji?
Na dzisiaj tylko zdjecie, ale stylizacja z nimi wkrotce ukaze sie na blogu!!!
I saw these shoes at stylescrapbook.com and my first impresion was 'Oh my God, these shoes must be really uncomfortable as they are made by felt'. But having said that I couldn't stop thinking about them, so decided that if I will have enough luck to find similar shoes, I will buy them!
Finally, in Boxing Day I went to Matalan and spotted these shoes on the shelve. Tried them on and I knew they're going to be mine! Hence don't regret the purchase.
Today only picture of them, but I will post new outfit with them in my next post, so watch the space!
Let me know whether you also think they are really similar to the original ones.
Thanks for reading!!
Widzialam te buty jakis czas temu w jednej ze stylizacji Andy Torres na stylescrapbook.com http://www.stylescrapbook.com/2011/09/look-of-day-new-plans.html#more i przyznam szczerze ze nie bardzo przypadly mi do gustu. Stwierdzilam ze te buty musza byc bardzo niewygodne bo wygladaja jakby zrobione z filcu - o ile wlasnie nie sa wykonane z filcu :-) Nie moglam jednak przestac o nich myslec i zdecydowalam ze jak tylko uda mi sie kupic buty bardzo podobne do tych oryginalnych, kupie je i wlacze do mojej kolekcji.
Jak tylko wypatrzylam te cudenka w Matalanie oczywiscie nie omieszkalam ich przymierzyc. Na moje szczescie mylilam sie i okazalo sie ze sa calkiem wygodne i cudownie leza na nodze. Poza tym, ku mojemu zaskoczeniu byly na wyprzedazy!! Wyobrazcie sobie jaka bylam szczesliwa.
Czy wy rowniez uwazacie ze sa podobne do oryginalnej wersji?
Na dzisiaj tylko zdjecie, ale stylizacja z nimi wkrotce ukaze sie na blogu!!!
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Alexander Wang |
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...and the copy from Matalan |
Finally, in Boxing Day I went to Matalan and spotted these shoes on the shelve. Tried them on and I knew they're going to be mine! Hence don't regret the purchase.
Today only picture of them, but I will post new outfit with them in my next post, so watch the space!
Let me know whether you also think they are really similar to the original ones.
Thanks for reading!!
All about me...
Hi everyone!
I have finally managed to get my first blog started where I'll be able to share with you my passion about fashion. I am not a fashion victim, as most of you would've tought but I love fashion and things related to it. Also I don't have a defined style either, I just enjoing shopping, following the trends and of course customizing my already purchased items to make them look like the ones from a catwalk.
Personally I think that fashion is all about fun. We should play with it to discover our own style which will define us the most. Whether it will be 60's style, boho or enything else. At the end of the day we need to know what shape and size we are and what colours suit us better to feel more bold and comfortable in clothes we're wearing.
Remember fashion isn't only at the catwaks and fashion mags, is around us. I cannot even describe how much inspiration you can take from people on the street.
Thanks guys and wait for my next post!!
Nareszcie nadszedl ten moment, w ktorym bede mogla podzielic sie z Wami swoja pasja jaka jest moda. Uwielbiam sledzic trendy na nadchodzace sezony, kupowac i stylizowac ciuchy na wiele mozliwych sposobow, aby choc troche przypominaly te z wybiegow. Nie sledze ich slepo tylko 'czerpie inspiracje', pozwalam swojemu stylowi rozwijac sie, jako ze wciaz nie mam ustalonego stylu - niestety.
Osobiscie uwazam ze moda jest po to aby sie nia bawic, probowac pokazac siebie z roznych stron, aby w koncu dotrzec do tego stylu ktory najbardziej odzwierciedla nas samych! Czy bedzie to styl z lat 60-tych, styl boho a moze cos zupelnie innego. Nie wazne. Najwazniejsze jednak w tym wszystkim jest znajomosc ksztaltu swojego ciala i jego rozmiar, kolory i fasony w ktorych jest nam najlepiej. Dopiero wowczas bedziemy w stanie kreowac swoj wlasny, niepowtarzalny styl.
Pamietajcie moda nie jest tylko na wybiegach czy w magazynach, jest wokol nas. Nie jestem nawet w stanie okreslic ile inspiracji mozemy czerpac z otaczajacych nas ludzi i ich wyczucia stylu.
Dzieki i do uslyszenia w nastepnym poscie!!
I have finally managed to get my first blog started where I'll be able to share with you my passion about fashion. I am not a fashion victim, as most of you would've tought but I love fashion and things related to it. Also I don't have a defined style either, I just enjoing shopping, following the trends and of course customizing my already purchased items to make them look like the ones from a catwalk.
Personally I think that fashion is all about fun. We should play with it to discover our own style which will define us the most. Whether it will be 60's style, boho or enything else. At the end of the day we need to know what shape and size we are and what colours suit us better to feel more bold and comfortable in clothes we're wearing.
Remember fashion isn't only at the catwaks and fashion mags, is around us. I cannot even describe how much inspiration you can take from people on the street.
Thanks guys and wait for my next post!!
Nareszcie nadszedl ten moment, w ktorym bede mogla podzielic sie z Wami swoja pasja jaka jest moda. Uwielbiam sledzic trendy na nadchodzace sezony, kupowac i stylizowac ciuchy na wiele mozliwych sposobow, aby choc troche przypominaly te z wybiegow. Nie sledze ich slepo tylko 'czerpie inspiracje', pozwalam swojemu stylowi rozwijac sie, jako ze wciaz nie mam ustalonego stylu - niestety.
Osobiscie uwazam ze moda jest po to aby sie nia bawic, probowac pokazac siebie z roznych stron, aby w koncu dotrzec do tego stylu ktory najbardziej odzwierciedla nas samych! Czy bedzie to styl z lat 60-tych, styl boho a moze cos zupelnie innego. Nie wazne. Najwazniejsze jednak w tym wszystkim jest znajomosc ksztaltu swojego ciala i jego rozmiar, kolory i fasony w ktorych jest nam najlepiej. Dopiero wowczas bedziemy w stanie kreowac swoj wlasny, niepowtarzalny styl.
Pamietajcie moda nie jest tylko na wybiegach czy w magazynach, jest wokol nas. Nie jestem nawet w stanie okreslic ile inspiracji mozemy czerpac z otaczajacych nas ludzi i ich wyczucia stylu.
Dzieki i do uslyszenia w nastepnym poscie!!
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