For each fashion-conscious person, this time of year always means that new trends are in and old ones are out. It doesn't have to be like that this time! You can pull some 2011's trends into spring 2012 or still pick up key pieces during the sales. You don't need to rush to the stores and buy the clothes from a new collections. Here are the main key pieces that will help you be trendy in 2012!
Dla kazdej z nas, ktora podaza za moda i trendami, ten okres w roku znaczy tyle, ze szykuje sie nowy sezon pelny przecudownych, lekkich i bardzo wiosennych kreacji. Nowe trendy sa 'in' a stare niestety 'out'. Nie zawsze jednak tak jest. Wiemy doskonale, ze wiekszosc trendow jest przenoszona na kolejny sezon. Tym razem tez tak jest. Nie musicie biedz do sklepow i kupowac nowe ubrania. Ponizej pokaze Wam, ktore z rzeczy z 2011 mozecie wciaz nosic na wiosne 2012!
The wide leg pants - in a lightweight fabrics which could be worn with a floating fabric top and sandals (my pick is from River Island and it cost me only £7 but it's waiting for a better weather :-)) At the moment is too cold to wear them.
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Thank you for reading and watch the space for next post!
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