Thursday, February 2, 2012

Exclusively only for men

Have you seen these beauties in H&M now? I have and I had to get at least one piece of David's B. collection for my man. You can basically buy a set and give it your man for Valentine's Day. Only one week left to this day, so if you still don't know what to buy...choose bodywear by David Beckham for H&M. Available in white, black and grey, only in various shops.

Czy widzialyscie te cudenka w H&M? Ja tak i musialam zdobyc chociazby jedna rzecz z kolekcji zaprojektowanej przez David'a B. dla mezczyzn. Mozecie przeciez kupic maly secik dla Waszych facetow i wreczyc im to na Walentynki. Juz tylko tydzien pozostal do tego dnia, wiec jesli ciagle nie macie pomyslu co im kupic...wybierzcie bielizne zaprojektowana wlasnie przez Beckham'a. Kolekcja dostepna jest w kolorach bialym, czarnym i szarym. W Polsce rowniez!

PS. I really wanted to take some pictures in the store to show you other pieces from his collection, but I couldn't. Store's manager said NO :-(

Thank you so much for reading!


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