La Mania Winter Tales - ROA Gallery, 5b Pall Mall 14-29 Feb
The London Fashion Week continues in London right now, so I couldn't miss that event and went to London today. But honestly saying, my main reason why I went there today, was to see the last fashion exhibition I wanted to see. It was an exhibition of polish brand La Mania. Unfortunately I missed the fashion show as it was on Thursday the 17th of Feb and regret that so much. But I was so excited and couldn't wait to see the collection. I loved each piece in the ROA Gallery.
For those who don't know the brand yet, few words about this brand.
La Mania is an exclusive pret-a-porter line for modern women. Simple cuts and minimalism is that what describes this brand. Absolutely amazing collection!! The fabrics, and the cut were perfect. Personally I think that each woman wearing these clothes looks so stunning!
If you want to know more please visit their website
London Fashion Week ciagle trwa w Londynie, wiec nie moglam tego eventu ominac, dlatego pojechalam dzisiaj tam. Szczerze jednak mowiac, moim glownym powodem dla ktorego wybralam sie do jednej ze stolic mody byl fakt zobaczenia wystawy polskiej firmy La Mania. Niestety opuscilam caly pokaz, ktory odbyl sie 17 lutego, i bardzo tego zalowalam. Ale bylam bardzo podekscytowana tym wyjazdem i nie moglam sie doczekac zobaczenia calej kolekcji. Zakochalam sie w kazdej rzeczy.
Dla tych, ktorzy nie znaja tej firmy jeszcze, kilka slow.
La Mania to bardzo ekskluzywna linia 'gotowych do ubrania' ubran dla kobiet bardzo nowoczesnych i swiadomych. Proste ciecia i minimalizm, to cos co charakteryzuje te marke. Absolutnie wspaniala kolekcja!! Materialy i sposob w jaki te rzeczy byly uszyte po prostu zniosla mnie z nog. Wszystko bylo perfekcyjne. Osobiscie uwazam, ze kazda kobieta noszac te rzeczy wyglada zjawiskowo i bardzo oszalamiajaco.
Jesli chcecie dowiedziec sie troche wiecej, odwiedzcie strone La Mania
PS. I will post some more pictures from my day in London tomorrow.
Thank you for reading!!
1 comment:
Hi Karolina, lovely blog! La Mania is very promising indeed! It is the first time that I see a mix of art and fashion being so wearable! Thank you for getting in contact, I have just subscribed to your blog as a follower and you may also join my FB page!/pages/PaulaTrendsets/235956613149442
Paula xoxo
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