Wednesday, February 22, 2012

March Wishlist

These are my must have for March. Aztec prints, oversized shirts, bright colours and pastels are the top items for this season. I'd like to get one of these two white shirts, but still don't know which one would fit better. Also I have few gifts cards that I've collected for the last few months, so definitely use them for my spring shopping.
Guys, what do you think? Shall I go for blue aztec cardigan, shoes or maybe the bodycon dress?

1. Beige floral print batwing dress, River Island
2. Black leopard print bodycon dress, River Island
3. Turquoise pattern cardigan, River Island
4. White diamante trim shirt, River Island
5. Blouse, H&M
6. Necklace, Topshop
7. Beige snake skin print ankle boots, River Island

To sa moje 'must have' na marzec. Azteckie wzory, obszerne koszule, jasne kolory i pastele to cos co bedzie noszone w tym sezonie. Chcialabym kupic jedna z tych bialych koszul, ale jeszcze nie wiem ktora lepiej bedzie lezala. Rowniez, mam kilka gift cards, uzbieranych przez ostatnich kilka miesiecy, wiec napewno wykorzystam je na moje wiosenne zakupy.  
Co myslicie? Powinnam kupic sweter w azteckie wzory, buty w wezowa skorke albo moze te sukienke we wzory?

Thank you for reading!!


1 comment:

NATIE said...

i love the necklace, is really cool.
your new follower:

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