Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Me, them and ASK

Jacket: H&M
Shirt: Primark
Jeans: H&M
Shoes: Matalan
Jewels: Topshop

As most of the poeople, I love visiting various restaurants and try their cuisine and specialitites which they offer to their customers. If you live in a big city like London i.e. Staines :-) lol, you cannot take an advantage of that. Therefore this time we went to local italian restaurant for a meal. I said 'we' as we said goodbye to one of our colleauges from work, and I thought it would be good idea to show you how we spent time there. By the way I was the youngest one and only girl in this group!

Jak wiekszosc ludzi, uwielbiam probowac kuchni i specjalow roznych kuchni swiata. Wiec mieszkajac w tak wielkim miescie jak Londyn tj. Staines :-) nie mozna z tego skorzystac. Dlatego tez, tym razem poszlismy do pobliskiej wloskiej restauracji na lunch. Powiedzialam 'my' jakoze ja i pare moich kolegow z pracy z zalem zegnalismy jednego z naszych. I pomyslalam, ze bylaby to swietna okazja aby pokazac Wam jak spedzamy czas. A tak na marginesie bylam tam najmlodsza i jedyna dziewczyna w towarzystwie!

Thanks for reading!

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