Monday, March 19, 2012

Outfit: Newquay day 1

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

March Wishlist

These are my must have for March. Aztec prints, oversized shirts, bright colours and pastels are the top items for this season. I'd like to get one of these two white shirts, but still don't know which one would fit better. Also I have few gifts cards that I've collected for the last few months, so definitely use them for my spring shopping.
Guys, what do you think? Shall I go for blue aztec cardigan, shoes or maybe the bodycon dress?

1. Beige floral print batwing dress, River Island
2. Black leopard print bodycon dress, River Island
3. Turquoise pattern cardigan, River Island
4. White diamante trim shirt, River Island
5. Blouse, H&M
6. Necklace, Topshop
7. Beige snake skin print ankle boots, River Island

To sa moje 'must have' na marzec. Azteckie wzory, obszerne koszule, jasne kolory i pastele to cos co bedzie noszone w tym sezonie. Chcialabym kupic jedna z tych bialych koszul, ale jeszcze nie wiem ktora lepiej bedzie lezala. Rowniez, mam kilka gift cards, uzbieranych przez ostatnich kilka miesiecy, wiec napewno wykorzystam je na moje wiosenne zakupy.  
Co myslicie? Powinnam kupic sweter w azteckie wzory, buty w wezowa skorke albo moze te sukienke we wzory?

Thank you for reading!!


Friday, February 10, 2012

The Events: International Fashion Showcase

During London Fashion Week in February 2012, 19 embassies and the British Council and the British Fashion Council have collaborated to organize number of events that will open the cultural institutes to wider audience. Basically, anyone will have an opportunity to explore the collections presented by fashion designers from around the world. As mentioned, the countries participating in this showcase are: Australia,  Belgium, Botswana, Caribbean, China, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Sierra Leone, United States and Uzbekistan.
I will try my best to go and see each country's exhibition and will post the pictures from these showcases on my blog soon. Tomorrow I'm kicking off with two exhibitions from Croatia and Australia! Stay tuned...

Podczas London Fashion Week, ktory odbedzie sie juz za kilkanascie dni, otwartych zostanie kilkanascie instytucji kulturowych w Londynie, tj. dzieki wspolpracy 19 ambasad wraz z Brytyjskim Instytutem ds. wspolpracy kulturowej i oswiatowej i Brytyjskim Instytutem Mody, gdzie kazdy z panstw: Australia, Belgia, Botswana, Karaiby, Chiny, Chorwacja, Estonia, Wlochy, Japonia, Korea, Dania, Nigeria, Filipiny, Polska, Rumunia, Sierra Leone, Stany Zjednoczone i w koncu Uzbekistan. Doslownie kazdy ma szanse zobaczenia kolekcji wystawionych przez projektantow mody z calego swiata.
Z calego serca postaram sie zobaczyc wszystkie wystawy, a zdjecia zamieszcze na blogu. Jutro jade zobaczyc wystawe z Chorwacji i Australii!!

PS. Juz nie moge sie doczekac wystawy z Polski.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Sorry, I'm busy!!

Can you imagine how many times I had to say that to my friends lately? Many times, and it's not a joke. I am so busy at work and after as I have to do a presentation for next Tuesday, therefore I don't have time for other things :-( At work we have so many deadlines which have to be met, wrrr. I wish I could lie on the beach right now and relax.

Wyobrazacie sobie ile razy musialam wypowiedziec to zdanie moim znajomym i przyjaciolom ostatnio? Wiele razy, i to nawet nie jest zabawne. Jestem tak zajeta w pracy i poza nia, jako ze mam prezentacje do zrobienia na przyszly wtorek, dlatego nie mam czasu na inne sprawy :-( W pracy mamy tyle terminow, wrrr. Marze o odpoczynku na plazy w tym momencie.

Thanks guys!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


You may have already noticed, that I have added a new gadget on my blog. It's 'Fashionista' list. I will be updating it to let you know what clothes I like. Most of them are from shops like Topshop, ASOS, New Look, H&M, Primark, River Island and more but also from Designers and magazines.
Let me know whether you like it! You may want to try to style them little bit to create your own look.

Prawdopodobnie juz zauwazylyscie nowy gadzet na moich blogu, jakim jest lista 'Fashionista'. Znajduje sie po prawej stronie bloga, tuz pod moim profilem. Bede ja uaktualniac czesto, zeby pokazac Wam, jakie ciuchy najbardziej przypadly mi do gustu...i rozwazalabym ich zakup. Wiekszosc z nich to rzeczy z sieciowek tj. Topshop, H&M, New Look, Primark, River Island ale rowniez od projektantow i magazynow o modzie. 
Dajcie znac co o niej myslicie? Moze przyjda Wam do glowy jakies stylizacje, ktore moznaby bylo z nich skomponowac.

Thanks / or Dzieki!


Skin care products

Friday, January 6, 2012

Almost like a trailer!!

I thought I would give you some earnest of tomorrow's look...This is going to be some sort of vintage looking outfit :-) I hope you're like it.

A oto zapowiedz jutrzejszej stylizacji. Cos w rodzaju 'vintage' look. Mam nadziej, ze Wam sie spodoba. Do zobaczenia jutro!


Leisure or the books I'm currently reading

I don't know what you do in your free time, but I try to read as much as I can. Sometimes it's quite hard to find that time when you work till 5pm, five days a week but the days like Fridays and the weekends it's the best time to do it, so highly recommend you that. Get a cup of coffee or tea, a blanket and read. It frees your mind.
Recently I have been reading 'Eat pray love' by Elizabeth Gilbert, 'The Jimmy Choo Story' by Lauren Goldstein Crowe and Sagra Maceira de Rosen and also 'Why men don't listen and women can't read maps' by Allan and Barbara Pease. For some reason I cannot finish any of these books and start reading another one. Do you likewise? Do you reach for another book if you feel borred by the one that you were just reading?

Nie wiem jak Wy, ale ja w wolnych chwilach staram sie nadrabiac zaleglosci w czytaniu. W ciagu tygodnia niestety jest mi bardzo trudno znalezc choc chwilke wolnego czasu, bo pracuje do 1700 ale w piatki badz w weekend, chetnie do nich siegam - jesli nie jestem na zakupach oczywiscie :-)Ostatnio zaczelam czytac trzy ksiazki jednoczesnie. Robie tak, kiedy jestem znudzona poprzednia ksiazka, dlatego az trzy :-) Czy tez macie tak samo?

PS. If you have any good books to recommend, please send me a note. Thanks :-)

...and the obvious choice for our men. Bear Grylls and his stories.

Thanks guys for reading! Tomorrow I will post a new look, so stay tuned lol ;-)


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yves Saint Laurent does the magic!

I wasn't really convinced to introduce any make up posts in my blog as I don't follow these trends that much. There are lots of cosmetic ads in fashion mags, so for me that's the only way I come a cross with them. But apart from that I only buy products which I use on a daily basis i.e. all the time and don't really change them as I dont' want to irritate my skin.
...but guess what! Few days ago I was given a sample of YSL Touche Eclat and fell in love with it! So I thought I'd tell you about it. It was shade 1 which with my skin isn't even noticeable but it lights up the areas I want like nose line, mouth line and top of the cheekbones.
Nie bylam przekonana, aby zalaczac posty o kosmetykach, jako ze wogole nie sledze trendow w tym swiecie. Jendak przegladajac magazyny o modzie, czasem zatrzymam sie na chwile, by zobaczyc co nowego na rynku, ale nic poza tym. Owszem kupuje kosmetyki, ale sa to tylko te, ktore uzywam na co dzien i wlasciwie ich nie zmieniam, bo nie chce podraznic swojej skory.
...ale wiecie co! Kilka dni temu otrzymalam probke YSL Touche Eclat i zakochalam sie w nim! Doslownie! Wyprobowalam kolor 1, ktory tak naprawde jest ledwo widoczny na mojej skorze, ale fantastycznie rozswietla takie miejsca jak okolice nosa, ust i kosci policzkowych.

PS. Let me know if you want to see more posts about my make up routine, what cosmetics I use etc. Really if there is something you wish to find out more about me and I haven't posted it as yet, let me know :-) I'll appreciate any comments guys.

Thank you for reading!

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