Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New In: New Look for spring

1. Electric blue loafers
2. Chiffon top
3. Cardigan
4. Wooly batwing top

I remember saying that I don't feel the flow for pastel colours as I have never knew how to join these colours. So I went to New Look today at the lunch time - there is a SALE now - to get some inspiration and finally convinced myself buying few clothes. For now just pictures which will uncover what clothes I will be wearing for this spring. 
Let me know what your thoughts are, whether you like the new trends? :-)

PS. I have an idea how I will customize these shoes i.e. maybe should add some studs at the front.
I will let you know soon.

Pamietam jak mowilam, ze nie czuje tego klimatu jaki panuje teraz wokol pastelowych kolorow, jako ze nigdy nie wiedzialam jak laczyc te kolory. Poszlam wiec dzisiaj do New Look - jest wyprzedaz teraz - aby czerpnac troche inspiracji i przekonalam siebie do kupna kilku rzeczy w tych kolorach. Na dzien dzisiejszy mam tylko zdjecia, ktore odkryja Wam jakie ciuchy bede nosila tej wiosny.
Dajcie mi znac co sadzicie na temat tych kolorow? :-)

Thank you for reading!!



Unknown said...

Love these electric blue loafers :)


Nikki said...

Love the shoes!! Xx

Jamie Anthony said...

gorgeous things!! those loafers are cute!

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