Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Decision, decision...

Hi guys! I forgot to tell you. While I was shopping in ZARA last time, I wasn't sure what to buy, so I took few pictures in the fitting room to think about them later on by the coffee klatsch with my girls. I picked 3 items: beige coat with hairy sleeves - very cute one, silver leather dress and a grey top. I really liked all but re the coat I thought it won't be practical to wear and I am not that bold :-( dress was alright but to short for me, so end up buying a grey top...and few other stuff you've already seen here http://followupmyvogue.blogspot.com/2012/01/new-in-my-closet-zara-few-days-ago-i.html
Let me know what you think?

Czesc wszytskim! Zapomnialam Wam ostatnio wspomniec. Podczas zakupow w ZARA, nie bylam pewna co kupic, wiec zrobilam kilka fotek w przymierzalni, aby pomyslec o nich pozniej przy kawie z dziewczynami. Wybralam 3 rzeczy: bezowy plaszczyk z wlochatymi rekawami - bardzo fajny, srebrna skorzana sukienke i szary top. Bardzo podobaly mi sie wszystkie rzeczy, ale jesli chodzi o plaszcz to troche niepraktyczny, sukienka za krotka, wiec kupilam top...i pare innych rzeczy, ktore mozecie zobaczyc tutaj http://followupmyvogue.blogspot.com/2012/01/new-in-my-closet-zara-few-days-ago-i.html Dajcie znac co myslicie?



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